Calling Dr. Witwer. . .
Colorado's 2000 Telemarketing Bill would have allowed citizen to put their names on a statewide list to have unsolicited phone calls blocked, at no cost to themselves. Records at the Statehouse confirm that HD 25 Rep. John Witwer voted against this legislation. Here are two letters Witwer wrote explaining his vote:

To a constituent in March, 2000
Dear Ms. N.,

Thank you very much for getting in touch with me about the Telemarketing Bill.

I think that the underlying concept was sound, however, I was concerned about some of the ramifications of the bill, particularly giving one company the monopoly to keep the list of individuals who did not want the calls. This company would initially charge a low fee, then once it had established itself, it eventually could charge anything that it wanted, essentially locking its customers into higher fees. Some states have this plan, others having the state maintaining the list, the latter at no cost to the customer.

I hope a better solution is ofered in the future. In the meantime, I am enclosing a form for you to fill out to reduce the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls. This program is free. I hope this helps, as I agree, I do not like to receive telemarketing calls.


State Representative
House District 25

To the Golden Transcript in October, 2000

Time and time again, I have had to respond to my opponent's continuing negative campaign and distortions of my record.

His latest attack is clearly a lie. He says I "voted against letting you block telemarketers." I have never voted to prohibit people from blocking telemarketers.

The people of House District 25 deserve better than to have this kind of negative campaigning.


John Witwer

House District 25

On the Record